Celebration of CWI’s 75th birthday

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica is counting down to its 75th anniversary and invites you to join them for a special online event on Thursday 11 February.

Due to restrictions to curb the coronavirus epidemic, CWI will celebrate their anniversary online. You are cordially invited to join our live video stream. They will send out your personal link to the live stream on Wedneday 10 February so please register before 10 February.

One of the programme’s highlights is the interview with CWI former director Jos Baeten in which he will reflect on his personal experiences with computers and computing research.

Founded in 1946 as Mathematisch Centrum, the CWI institute has been the birthplace of numerous scientific breakthroughs, and a breeding ground for talented researchers. During their online event, they will look back on their most remarkable scientific achievements.

But above all, they will look into the future with scientific breakout sessions: what do our scientists see when they look ahead to the future of, for example, artificial intelligence or quantum computing? How do we deal with data in the future? And to what level of security can you make computers safe?

Preliminary programme:


14.00 Opening
14.10 Breakout sessions round 1
* 1A: Daniel Dadush
* 1B: Marten van Dijk – Secure Smart Low Lands
* 1C: Benjamin Sanderse
* 1D: Irene Viola
14.40 Ton de Kok
15.00 Break
15.10 Breakout sessions round 2
* 2A: Peter Bosman
* 2B: Stacey Jeffery
* 2C: Lisa Kohl
* 2D: Hannes Muhleisen
15.40 Jos Baeten
16.00 Comedian Adam Fields
16.35 Closing
Chair of the day is Ans Hekkenberg.


For inquiries and further details about their 75th birthday celebrations on 11 February, check their website or contact event coordinator Daniëlle Kollerie (D.C.Kollerie@cwi.nl).


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